We’re creative people, and we use a lot of stuff. But what do we do when we have too much? Is it time to declutter? And how do we go about it?
This is another one of those topics that can divide us. There’s the “well, you’ve just got to get on with it” school of thought, which Gina leans towards. And yes, she has a very good point – there’s no point bemoaning the mess and never doing anything about it.
But I think for some people (me included) there’s probably a bit more to it than that. I know my struggles to declutter are not just due to my usual procrastination. A cluttered space is one of those things that on the surface just looks like mess that needs tidying, but if you delve in even just a little bit, it can raise all sorts of emotive questions.
This was a wide-ranging chat, from what we mean by clutter, why it’s accumulated, to how to approach decluttering, and what might stop us in our tracks – or prevent us from starting in the first place.
I’ve tried to corral my thoughts into a blog post, but I’m afraid this particular topic is too deep and wide for just one post. I made a start, with some thoughts about things that you could consider before you even open the black bin bags – you can read it here – and I have an idea or two about how I may continue. Have a read, and do please get in touch if any of it resonates with you, and let me know if you’d be interested in my ideas for where to go next.
Meanwhile, also mentioned in this episode:
Both Gina and I have our online courses which are open to new enrolments until the end of January, with access until 30th April. You can find all my open courses here, and Gina’s here.
We mentioned the inevitable Marie Kondo as well as the phenonemon that is Decluttering Momentum and one we’ve talked about before, the Container Concept.
Before Gina got completely fed up of me and tried to wrap it all up, I managed to squeak in the idea of finding out whether you are a macro or micro kind of organiser. This has been a game-changer for me, and Cass of Clutterbug is the person to go to for more on the theory of organising styles. As well as a YouTube channel, she has a very good podcast.
Mindful of not wanting to introduce new clutter into her life, Gina has subscribed to Mind, Body and Soil – and in return, they send her monthly pot plants and thoughtful things – one of which was the book Rootbound by Alice Vincent. You can find Alice’s Instagram account here.
I’ve not discovered anything half as interesting, other than how to create a new desktop wallpaper using Canva. It’s a bit daft, and probably a distraction, but it has turned the background on my laptop into a pretty planner, so I can easily find the folders and files I’m working on, leave sticky note reminders to myself, and generally feel a little more in control. Here’s a screenshot to show you what I mean!
The next episode is going to be a fun one, but meanwhile you can find me here, and Gina here.
The music is Dear Autumn by Ikson and you can find it at https://soundcloud.com/ikson.