In 2020 I started a podcast with fellow textile artist Gina Ferrari, for all stitchers, embroiderers, textile artists and creative souls. We haven’t recorded for a while now, but you can still listen in to our friendly and informal conversations about what it actually means to be an artist working in textiles.

Gina and I are practicing artists and both started our careers as tutors specialising in machine embroidery. We’ve both diverged from our starting points, yet we’re still figuring it all out! We chat about combining the creative process with running a business and hope that you will find inspiration and support for your own creative journeys.

Click on each episode listed below to listen and read the show notes, or find us wherever you listen to podcasts.

Here’s where you can find us on iTunes and Spotify.

It’s been a while (67)

It’s been a while! A year to be precise…so we thought we’d have a little natter about what we’ve been…

Midsummer musings (65)

As we pass midsummer and start thinking about holidays and other summer pursuits we’ve both found our creativity diverted into…

Ebbs and Flows (64)

Do you find that creativity ebbs and flows? In this episode we discuss how we face the challenge of not…

Leaving a legacy (63)

Creative people leave a lot of ‘stuff’ in their wake – but what would we really like to leave after…

Are you a perfectionist? (62)

Do you think of yourself as a perfectionist? In this episode we discuss what perfectionism means to us and whether…

Self care (61)

What’s the first thing we do when it all gets a bit overwhelming – and how else do we take…

Deadline dilemmas (60)

How do we balance a need for deadlines against the inevitable angst when they whizz by?

Big or Small? (59)

What’s the biggest thing we’ve made? The smallest? And does size matter, anyway?
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