Making making art easy
Despite having my own studio, nothing quite beats the dining room table! It’s got the best view in the house, looking out through the big patio doors to the garden. […]
Despite having my own studio, nothing quite beats the dining room table! It’s got the best view in the house, looking out through the big patio doors to the garden. […]
There’s been a lack of updates for a while, because as usual I’ve over-estimated how many hours in the day there are and signed up to more courses! One of […]
Things have been a bit quiet around here. As you may know, if you also follow me on Instagram and Facebook, my beloved whippet, Viggo, left us a couple of […]
Just a quick one today. Not a lot to report, as I’ve been getting the Winter Landscape course up and running. I’ve been trying to revisit the exercises from the […]
New year, new bullet journal in hand, I’ve been hard at work in the studio the past week. Admittedly, not doing anything particularly new, but I have spent many hours […]