Just a quick one today. Not a lot to report, as I’ve been getting the Winter Landscape course up and running.
I’ve been trying to revisit the exercises from the Find Your Joy painting course. I haven’t got very far, but did one little piece, then used the leftover paint to add to one of the very first pieces I did last summer.
I then cut it into small squares, and started to play with adding fabric and stitch. I’ve only managed one!!
I’ve also made a couple of mini collages for the sketchbook, and painted some collage papers:
My excuse for not achieving much, is that the studio has been turned upside down somewhat. Just before Christmas I ordered a piece of MDF cut to size to create a larger desktop for my laptop table, so when it finally arrived I needed to prime and paint, then leave it to dry thoroughly before installing it. I’d hoped to get this done between Christmas and New Year.
It’s taken up a fair bit of room, while it dried, and then installing it has involved moving my various heaps of paper. The heaps have a definite geological character: the various paper strata date back several months, sometimes even years, because I’m always jotting down random notes on scraps of paper but never file them! I think I’m almost done sorting now, so can get back to using my painting and stitching desks for just that, instead of acting as interim filing cabinets.
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