The past week has all been about welcoming people into the Swirls course, getting my accounts up to date, sorting through files, having an end-of-financial year tidy up and looking ahead for the next few months. Stitching and creativity has unfortunately taken a back seat. Actually, it didn’t even get in the car. I did my usual thing. I took the idea of “eating the frog” and doing work first – good – but feeling pleased with myself, I went too far and slipped straight back into workaholic mode again – not good. I had a couple of mornings out of the studio, too, so I just lost that creative flow.
The Swirls group has also kept me really busy, in a very good way, as it ended up being my biggest ever course! I’m absolutely delighted there was so much interest, and it’s so exciting seeing what’s emerging already – after only 5 days in! You can see what they’re up to in my Instagram stories. Part of me is (almost) tempted to repeat after all, as it is so popular, but there are at least three other courses I want to create first.
And the first is – and WILL be – Celtic Seascapes! I’ve added it to the courses page, I have a date in mind, so I’ve drawn my line in the sand. And now the Swirls people are all up and running, I can get cracking!
I actually started filming for Seascapes last summer, with the (possibly naïve) hope that I would be able to get to Brittany and do some location video and photos. But we left it too late – by the time we were ready to go, mandatory quarantines were introduced and it didn’t happen. I was so disappointed to miss out, I lost my mojo completely and everything ground to a halt.
Looking back through what I did before I lost my spark, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much I did! It’s been a real boost, and has helped get my head around the next step.
That’s also another fantastic time-management tip:
Start a project. Even if you only do one tiny thing. Write one sentence, take some photos, get your threads out, do a quick doodle, play with some fabric scraps. Anything. Just one thing. It’s so much easier to continue something, than to start.
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