Rock’n’Roll (41)
The creative process can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs. How do we keep momentum to see a project to completion?
The creative process can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs. How do we keep momentum to see a project to completion?
How do we start a creative session in the studio? What are our “go to” moves to get us into our creative groove? For me, it’s all about shutting out […]
You may recognise this scenario: It’s time for a creative “sesh”, time to get cracking on something – and then the voices start. May be your own voice, may be […]
What do we do when we’re in a funk with our art, or we’re just not feeling it?!
I never thought I was a “people-pleaser” yet often wonder why I’m so shattered the whole time.
Ever had the feeling you don’t belong, you don’t know what you’re talking about, and you’re not as good as other people say you are?
We’re creative people, and we use a lot of stuff. But what do we do when we have too much? Is it time to declutter? And how do we go […]
Do you call yourself an artist? Or does that make you uncomfortable? We’ve both had mixed feelings in the past, so do we call ourselves artists now? Click here to […]
It can be such a tough question to answer – but why is that?
Experiments! My main sewing machine has been away for a service, so I’ve had to use my no. 2 machine – funny how it took me forever to get used […]